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beban badan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "beban badan"
  • beban:    burden; encumrance; load; expense; tax; weight;
  • badan:    body; bod; material body; human body; physical
  • beban badan maksimum terizinkan:    maximum permissible body burden
  • beban:    burden; encumrance; load; expense; tax; weight; preventative; payload; incumbrance; recumb; laden; cargo; insistence; imperativeness; load up; charge; press; interference; lading; shipment; recline;
  • badan:    body; bod; material body; human body; physical body; torso; consistence; trunk; eubstance; corpus; physical; anatomy; consistency; organisation; physical structure; corpse; physique; form; flesh; so
  • beban-beban pelayanan:    burdens of the serving
  • arus-beban:    load of current
  • batas-beban:    limit of load
  • beban aman:    permissible stress
  • beban angker:    armature load
  • beban bagian:    section loading
  • beban bank:    bank charge
  • beban berat:    millstone
  • beban berguna:    useful load
  • beban gempa:    seismic loading
  • The instrument consists of a cylinder, the piston rod, die, temperature control system, load, automatic test bodies and automatic cutting and other components. The figure below shows an external view of the product.
    Instrumen ini terdiri dari sebuah silinder, batang piston, die, sistem kontrol suhu, beban, badan uji otomatis dan pemotongan otomatis dan komponen lainnya. Gambar di bawah ini menunjukkan tampilan eksternal produk.